Sunday, August 17, 2008

How to Overcome Being Shy and Make Friends

Shyness can be very hindering socially when you're unsure what to do about it, but fortunately it is something that can be "unlearned" by a lot of people.

I used to be a very shy person when I was a kid, but over time I learned how to overcome it. In this article, I will share tips and ideas that will help you fight your anxiety and make friends.

1) A big portion of shyness is caused by some form of fear.

If you're afraid of rejection, try to get your mind off of guessing what other people are thinking. A majority of the time, they're thinking about their own daily problems and worries.

Look at how you think. Are you constantly thinking about who you don't want to be friends with for no reason? Neither are other people.

2) Start small.

I remember my junior year I met a guy who had been home schooled his whole life and wanted to finish his last two years in public school. His mom had taught him well when it came to people. On his first day, he took the time to introduce himself to everyone and ask how we were doing. Everyone was his friend by the end of the week.

Sometimes it's really just as simple as saying, "Hi, I'm -. How are you?" As you get more practice at talking with people, conversations will get easier. It's also all right to be a little nervous at first. That will actually diminish in time.

3) Get around people who share your interests.

That always makes things easier. People like talking about things they enjoy. It's nice to find common ground, and you may find yourself talking more than you usually do.

4) Read a few books about people-skills and personality types.

Ever wonder why some people react to things the way they do? Having a general understanding of personality types and people-skills can help you carry a conversation better and longer.

More Tips:
  • This takes some time to overcome--even months or years--but it is well worth it. I'm personally very happy and like talking to people now, even though I used to be shy. If you keep working at it, there does come a point where it doesn't bother you anymore.
  • Be careful of your body language--sometimes you may be sending out the message that you want to be left alone without verbally saying it.

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