Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How to Make the Most of Time in Your Car

The average person in America drives anywhere between 10,000 to 25,000 mile a year. That's a lot of time, and in this article I want to give you some ideas on how you can get more out of it.

1) Learn something new.

Almost any topic out there now has audio books, podcasts, or both easily available. You can learn a new language, how to start a business, how to manage your finances, and hundreds of other subjects. It's reasonable to think that after several years of this that you'll learn and grow as a person where you wouldn't have otherwise.

2) Spend some quiet time.

It is amazing how creative your thinking becomes when you just spend one day a week with the radio off. Some of my best ideas for books and articles have happened when I just gave myself some time to think. It'll also help with problem-solving if it's not in a worrying kind of context.

3) Laugh more.

If you have a stressful life, investing in some audio books or mp3s that will make you laugh will lighten your mood and reduce stress. This is also helpful if you have a stressful commute to work and back.

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