Saturday, August 16, 2008

How to Have a Balanced Life While Working at Home

Many people start a home-based business to spend more time with their families. It's a wonderful goal. The ironic thing is you have to be just as careful (if not more so) to not distance yourself from your "home life" while still being in the same physical space. In this article, I will give you tips on how to make the best of the time you have so that you can win in your business and your home life.

1) Set your priorities and keep to them.

You have to learn how to "make time" for both your business and your home life. I think we have an entire aspect of our culture now just dedicated to distractions, and you have to learn to say "no" sometimes. If you just let daily life carry you along, you'll never have time to do anything. You don't have to strictly live by a watch or calendar (that's likely what you were trying to escape in the first place) but you do have to protect time that matters to you and your future.

It is a decision, and you have to make some choices sometimes that are different from what other people do. I personally eliminated a lot of TV time and don't even regret it now. It's much better to earn the right to be the person having fun that sitting on the couch watching other people on TV have fun.

2) Get out of debt.

Financial stress impacts your family and your business. Even if it takes you a few years, it can give you a great financial foundation for your business and your family.

I'm not affiliated with him, but Dave Ramsey's book The Total Money Makeover is the best practical finance book I've ever read, including those expensive college textbooks. Running a debt-free business is also a lot more fun because you don't have to worry about interest payments devouring your profits before you even get off the ground.

3) If they show interest, get your family involved with your business.

My husband and I both work together on one of our businesses, and it doesn't feel like work the way most people think of it. We have a lot of fun and make money at the same time. It really is a good life to enjoy something that makes you an income as well.

When we have children, I'd like to have things that they can do that they can understand on their level. I would've loved to have known as a kid what I know now about business, and if you have kids they will likely benefit from your experience. I can tell you that through all my years of formal schooling I never was taught how to be a business owner. That's sad to me, but the good news is I believe the children of home business owners have an advantage other children do not have. As you're learning, they can learn, too.

4) Lastly, do not think of balancing your business and family life like a set of scales going back and forth.

Life doesn't work well that way. Unlike a lot of job situations, as a business owner you have the opportunity to have both aspects of your life be positive without trading one for the other. You just need to invest yourself in both your family and your business on a daily basis. Take advantage of the freedom a home-business gives you and appreciate the family moments you would've missed if you didn't have it.

More Tips:

  • Most of your lifestyle adjusting comes in the first few months of being at home. This is the time when you need the most emotional support and encouragement from friends and family as well, even if they're not directly involved in the business.
  • Realize that when you have a passion for something, you'll find a way to make it work. It just takes time and patience. You may feel out of balance a little while until you get comfortable and your business stabilizes.

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